  1. Application & Video Submission Deadline:  1 MARCH 2025

  2. Announcement of Results:  24 MARCH 2025

  3. The Competition is an ONLINE Competition through Video Submission.

  4. The Competition is open to contestants from all nationalities. Photocopy of identity documents (ID card or travel document) should be submitted.

  5. Competition Category : Age is calculated as of  1 MARCH 2025
  6. Contestants can enter more than one instrument category. Contestants should submit a separate application form for each entry.

  7. Video Submission Requirements:
    Contestants should submit a copy of their music scores with the application.
    • The video should be unedited, and clearly show the contestant’s appearance and hand movements.
    • The video should be uploaded to YouTube (set as “Unlisted”) / Youku (set as “Unlisted”) / Google Drive
    • Description/ Title of the video should be written as follows: Instrument & Competition Category - Contestant’s Name & Surname (eg, Piano Young Artist A - Mary Chan)
    • There is no need to announce the Contestant's name and performance piece verbally
  8. Decisions of the Jury are final and shall not be disputed.
  9. The Jury reserves the right to withhold any prizes if the contestants do not attain the competition’s required standard.
  10. Jurors will not adjudicate contestants who are their students.
  11. Jurors’ mark sheets will not be provided to the contestants.
  12. Application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  13. Contestants are required to pay an administrative fee of HK$200 if they make amendments to applications after submission.
  14. Certificates & TrophiesApplication Fee includes the Digital Certificate for each Contestant. Printed Certificates and Trophies are not included. Contestant can request for Printed Certificate & Trophy, costs to be paid by the contestant. 
  15. Contestants should ensure that the name and delivery address submitted in the application are correct and accurate. The Certificate and Trophy will be printed and delivered according to the information provided.
  16. Carnegie Hall Prizewinners Gala Concerts:  19 JULY 2025, Sat 1:00pm & 7:30pm
  17. All 1st Prize, 2nd Prize and 3rd Prize Winners will be invited to perform in ONE of the Prizewinners Gala Concerts at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall New York. Details at
  18. Carnegie Hall Prizewinners Concerts Registration Period:   28 MARCH - 4 APRIL 2025. Please note that the Concert Performance time is limited, registration for the Prizewinners Gala Concerts is subject to availability and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
  19. Prizewinners performing at Carnegie Hall are responsible for their own expenses related to the Concert participation, including but not limited to travel and accommodation expenses. 
  20. The Organiser reserves the right to revise the schedule, jury panel, awards, regulations and all arrangements of the PREMIA International Young Artists Music Festival (PIYAMF) without prior notice. The Organiser reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of the regulations.
  21. Contestants authorise and give consent to the Organiser to use photos, video recordings and information submitted (name, age & nationality) for publicity and promotional activities of the PIYAMF. No financial remuneration will be provided to the Contestants.
  22. In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese text, the English version shall prevail


  1. 比賽報名及遞交視頻截止日期:    1 MARCH 2025
  2. 比賽結果公佈日期:    24 MARCH 2025
  3. 比賽以網上視頻比賽形式舉行,參賽者把視頻上載參加比賽。
  4. 本賽事歡迎任何國籍的參賽者。參賽者必須附上身份證明文件副本,以確認其年齡例如身份證或護照。
  5. 比賽組別:  年齡以 2025年 3月1日為計算。
  6. 參賽者可參加多於一個樂器比賽組別。每張表格只限一項賽事,如需參加多項賽事,請遞交新表格。
  7. 拍攝視頻要求:
    • 視頻必須清晰展示參賽者樣貌及手部動作,並不可剪輯
    • 參賽者必須把視頻上載至 YouTube (設為「不公開」) / Youku (設為「不公開」) / Google Drive
    • 視頻標題需以英文寫上:  參賽者組別及姓名 (eg. Piano Young Artist A – Mary Chan)
  8. 所有評委會的決定即為比賽最終決定,任何人不得異議。
  9. 若參賽者的演出未達到本比賽所規定的水準,評委會有權不頒發任何獎項。
  10. 評委不會參與其學生之評審工作。
  11. 評分紙將不會發給參賽者。
  12. 已繳交之報名費將不獲退還,不得轉讓他人或作另一項比賽之用。
  13. 報名後如需更改資料,參賽者需繳付 HK$200 行政費。
  14. 每位參賽者將獲頒發電子證書。報名費用不包括郵寄證書及獎杯之費用。參賽者可以要求提供郵寄證書及獎杯,費用由參賽者自付。
  15. 報名時請清楚填寫參賽者姓名及地址,賽後的證書及任何獎杯將根據報名時輸入的資料來製作及寄出。
  16. 紐約卡內基音樂廳 (威爾獨奏廳)「 優勝者音樂會」2025年 7月19日 1:00pm & 7:30pm
  17. 每組別第一名、第二名及第三名得奬者將獲邀在紐約Carnegie Hall「優勝者音樂會」演出
  18. 「優勝者音樂會」報名日期: 2025年 3月28日 至 4月4日。請注意由於演出時間有限,「優勝者音樂會」的報名為先到先得
  19. 得奬者赴卡內基音樂廳演出須負責自己所有參與「優勝者音樂會」相關之費用,例如交通費及住宿費。
  20. 主辦單位有權修改比賽時間、評委會成員、獎項、規則及關於大會一切事項,如有修改,恕不另行通告。主辦單位並保留對比賽規則的最終解釋權。
  21. 參賽者須同意並授權主辦單位使用參賽者提交之個人影像、視頻及獲獎相關資料 (姓名、年齡、國籍),作大會宣傳用途。大會無需向參賽者支付任何費用
  22. 如中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,須以英文版本為準。